Our Collaborators
Gnostic Center
The Gnostic Centre is a research centre for the growth of consciousness. Its vision and work is to create and establish a prototype of the universities of tomorrow, which Sri Aurobindo considered as one of the best means of preparing the future humanity to receive the new consciousness that will transform human nature and society.
In order to establish lifelong and continuous education, the Centre offers programs in areas such as: Integral Psychology, Teacher Education, Green Practices, Self Development, Conscious Leadership, Indian Studies, Arts and Culture, etc. In addition, the Centre also houses an innovative preschool called L’avenir.

SACAR, Pondicherry

Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research (SACAR), is a not for profit charitable trust established in Pondicherry in 1998. SACAR has for its objective an in-depth study of and research into the thought and vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and relate it to the present and future of India in particular, and the world in general. We encourage study of all allied thought and perspectives from other visionaries from different cultures with an objective to offer a synthetic view of the future. SACAR is a centre of research and learning dedicated to acquiring and implementing in all areas a new and broader perspective on human life.
SAS, Pondicherry
Sri Aurobindo Society (SAS) is an association, a movement, an invitation and an opportunity to connect and then surpass oneself, to realize one’s unity with others and integration with the entire creation, to work for a happier world, to participate in the collaborative effort, and to create the Next Future. You are welcome to join us in this effort—Let us be the change! Let us make a difference! Come be a volunteer, member and a contributor in our work!