Basic Concept & Elements of Indian & Western Music

The elements and nature of music, musical expression, theory, practical are very much diverse in Western and Indian classical music traditions. This course will give you an overview of the Western (European) & Indian music, it’s history, by using the techniques of listening to recognize the various elements, forms, styles, and textures of music. Genuine appreciation of any art form requires repeated exposure, and this is particularly true of music. That’s why, this course would also help you to develop a true understanding of musical art, and also to appreciate the nuances of it as an active listener.

Kelli Partin · 04/05/2023

Text Books to see: 

  1. Fundamentals of Music, Raymond Elliott, 4th Ed 2009 
  2. Basic Music Theory For Beginners – the Complete Guide by Rory PQ 
  3. The Complete Book of Scales, Chords, Arpeggios and Cadences by Palmer Willard. 
  4. Raag Parichay (Bhaag – 1) - Sh. Harishchandra Srivastava

About Instructor

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons


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