Art & Aesthetics

Sri Aurobindo viewed Indian art as a manifestation of the Divine and a means of spiritual expression. Indian art is unique in its ability to convey spiritual ideals and emotions through symbols, and that it has a universal appeal that transcends cultural boundaries. Art in Indian perspective encompasses various forms like painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, and performing arts. It reflects the cultural, spiritual, and philosophical values of the society. Aesthetics in Indian context emphasizes the importance of beauty and harmony in the creation of art, which often draws inspiration from nature and spirituality. The concept of Rasa in Indian aesthetics encompasses the idea of experiencing emotions through art. Sri Aurobindo emphasized the role of the artist as a channel of divine inspiration, and the importance of the individual’s subjective experience in the creation and reception of art. In India art is considered “state of Yogic consciousness in which all things become beautiful to the eye of the seer”.

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